Sunday, June 11, 2006

State Road Race Championship

What a fun day we had yesterday in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin. Since Nature Valley was moved back a week the team was able to show up for the State Road Race.

Me, Natalie, Rachel and Anna went to the line and with Natalie recovering from a cold and me from a crash and Rachel and Anna digging out from stress we weren't sure how we would go. Turns out we did ok. I felt good on the hill and in the middle of lap 1 Rachel rode up to me to say "I think you're our girl for the day." That was nice seeing as I've not been feeling tops this year. Rachel took a long pull into the wind so I could rest before taking the hill the second time (thanks Rachel!) and that 2nd lap was the selection. The hard effort in the wind left Rachel less than fresh for the climb but she finished strong. Anna fought her way back to the group in what would be a breakthrough race. In the break were me, Natalie and Kristin (IS Corp)and a familiar but not seen too often face of Julie Foertsch. The four of us stayed together utnil lap 5 when I had some difficulty and fell off the pace. Natalie held her own when Kristin surged on the last hill. Nat finished a strong second with me in fourth.
Post race Rachel was looking a little green but smiling, as always. She didn't feel so hot! Anna and I went out for a burger post race and had an appetizer for dessert. We made a lot of happy noises eating our medium rare burgers and declared them the best ever. We affirmed that we have the best team and a great life. Till soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes....cow is good!!
Especially when it's medium rare and with onions and some mustard.

2:04 PM  

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