Sprints: DQ: 2, Palm:2, Scion Punches: DQ:1, Palm: 2
Palms has been at Team Headquarters since Sunday and already we've turned everything into a competition. Not that that would surprise anyone...
On Tuesday we drove to West Bend to do Momma Schmitt's spin class. Her class has been hearing about the team for years and it was fun to meet them. Julie had the room plastered with team posters and in the middle of the room? Why a jug of milk and cookies for post ride!

The spin was good and afterward we did some pushups and sit ups. Here's a photo of Jules and Palms going at it.

After ab busting we went to see Julie's kids who were hunkering in the daycare. One cute little guy, about 15 months old, fell in love with Trish. He wanted her to play, brought her an airplane, and started crying when she said goodbye (all of this happened in less than 2 minutes). Palms...we'll find you someone just as devoted and maybe who can even drive.
So with all the driving we've done I've conceded that I cannot sprint for town signs while driving. Palms arms are longer than mine so I lose everytime. I do have the advantage on the bike however since Palms doesn't know when the signs are coming up. I intend to take Palms on different routes everyday. This way it will take her all summer to learn when sprints are coming.
Yesterday we did a school presentation and the kids loved Tricia. She told them about how in OZ they don't have cars so you have to ride a bike everywhere. Somehow that one went over their heads...
After the school presentation we picked up the bikes. Oooowee do they look good. Even better, BFR is in the driveway building up bikes right now. Stay tuned for some photos of the progress. He's working on Betsy's bike now.
More soon...dq
On Tuesday we drove to West Bend to do Momma Schmitt's spin class. Her class has been hearing about the team for years and it was fun to meet them. Julie had the room plastered with team posters and in the middle of the room? Why a jug of milk and cookies for post ride!

The spin was good and afterward we did some pushups and sit ups. Here's a photo of Jules and Palms going at it.

After ab busting we went to see Julie's kids who were hunkering in the daycare. One cute little guy, about 15 months old, fell in love with Trish. He wanted her to play, brought her an airplane, and started crying when she said goodbye (all of this happened in less than 2 minutes). Palms...we'll find you someone just as devoted and maybe who can even drive.
So with all the driving we've done I've conceded that I cannot sprint for town signs while driving. Palms arms are longer than mine so I lose everytime. I do have the advantage on the bike however since Palms doesn't know when the signs are coming up. I intend to take Palms on different routes everyday. This way it will take her all summer to learn when sprints are coming.
Yesterday we did a school presentation and the kids loved Tricia. She told them about how in OZ they don't have cars so you have to ride a bike everywhere. Somehow that one went over their heads...
After the school presentation we picked up the bikes. Oooowee do they look good. Even better, BFR is in the driveway building up bikes right now. Stay tuned for some photos of the progress. He's working on Betsy's bike now.
More soon...dq
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