Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Lala, Betsy and Tricia the winter trio

It occurred to me as I looked over all the photos of the team on cyclingnews.com that the team owes a huge thank you to you three for your stellar riding in Jan/Feb and March. Your outstanding teamwork not to mention your fine personalities are what makes other women want to be cowgirls.

Here's a few more photos from last week. I love this one of the girls on Betsy's motorcycle.

Here's one from a brief stop at Kohl's. I was walking through the store and something caught the corner of my eye--so I looked at the manequins. One wasn't a mannequin.

Here's Tricia and Betsy in pre-race mode, just before the crit. It'd been sunny but the clouds were moving in. THe girls were talking about which wheels to ride. I believe I was the one that said "I don't think it's going to rain." I have to go back to weather school and study California clouds.

Nothing like a little spring ridin' in the rain to get you trusting your wheels.

Stay tuned for more blogging in Gnomey. I thought he deserved a special entry.



Blogger Bovis Fugit said...

So true, Huge Congrats to a steller Trio! Lala, Betsy, and Tricia - you guys are one herd that has attitude! Great photo shots!

And Great job Nat - Best Youngest rider - Awesome!

momma schmitt

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That pic of LaLa just cracks me up!

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ma gosh...not only am I starting to call everyone the wrong name I now cannot get photos id'd properly. That last photo is Natalie and Tricia, not Betsy and Tricia. Doh!

1:46 PM  

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