A WIN-dy Day
Ah yes, the first GDVC crit of the season in Madison. Always a good time and yesterday was indeed a good time. We had small numbers due to Anna's flu and Julie's car troubles but me, Kate and Rachel were ready to duke it out. Since the Milk Marketing board had a film crew on hand Anna braved the chilly temps and wind to come out, all kitted up and gave a great interview. Even congested she sounded great and looked good. Each of us got interviewed before the race and there was some taping during the race and after, as we were savoring our chocolate milk victory drink.
The race was the usual tactical cat and mouse game. Rival attacked immediately, I covered that one, and the next one, then Rachel went with the third and the two earlier attacks had softened the solo riders enough to catch them hesitating. There was a lap where any of them could have bridged across but none of them tried. I'd of let any of them go had they gone alone. As it was, the three solo riders each took turns dragging the field around and at a decent clip I'll add. IN the end the break lapped the field and I had just told Kate how we were going to ride the last lap and no sooner had I said that when I felt the tap on my hip and Rachel was back in the field. I told Kate: "Never mind what I just said." In the end we had an uphill, cross headwind sprint and a rival led it out and lost steam so I had to jump a bit early and I topped out 50 meters from the finish. Rachel's break mate jumpe just after I did and also topped out. Rachel stormed by to nab the win, a speedy pink blur.
Our token male rider, Ken Haines, did a great job to take 5th in the Masters 1,2 race. He was off the front in one break for a few laps, then solo in a break for a few laps then made the winning break of about 10 and came in a solid 5th. Nice going Ken!
Kate did an awesome job in both the 4s and the open race (5th and 5th, respectively) and she had some breakthrough moments this weekend. Btw, the commercial will air sometime in March and I’ll get you the stations and the dates.
After the race was over the three of us were standing around drinking a chocolate milk when our tent decided it was time to fly. All three of us watched the tent rise up like a UFO then start a series of endos. It landed 30 meters away, stopped by a broken support. We were sad. We liked that tent!
I'm sure Dave will get us a new one. :)
Here's a photo of Rachel and her beau, Jordan who also won his race, the mens cat 1,2. I had a friend when I lived in NY who was so used to tourists taking photos that he tried to get in them, without the people noticing. I reckon there are hundreds of photos worldwide of peoples' trips to NYC with a big headed bald guy lurking in the background. Kate was taking the photo and I decided to get in and low and behold, it worked!

Great job, everyone.
The race was the usual tactical cat and mouse game. Rival attacked immediately, I covered that one, and the next one, then Rachel went with the third and the two earlier attacks had softened the solo riders enough to catch them hesitating. There was a lap where any of them could have bridged across but none of them tried. I'd of let any of them go had they gone alone. As it was, the three solo riders each took turns dragging the field around and at a decent clip I'll add. IN the end the break lapped the field and I had just told Kate how we were going to ride the last lap and no sooner had I said that when I felt the tap on my hip and Rachel was back in the field. I told Kate: "Never mind what I just said." In the end we had an uphill, cross headwind sprint and a rival led it out and lost steam so I had to jump a bit early and I topped out 50 meters from the finish. Rachel's break mate jumpe just after I did and also topped out. Rachel stormed by to nab the win, a speedy pink blur.
Our token male rider, Ken Haines, did a great job to take 5th in the Masters 1,2 race. He was off the front in one break for a few laps, then solo in a break for a few laps then made the winning break of about 10 and came in a solid 5th. Nice going Ken!
Kate did an awesome job in both the 4s and the open race (5th and 5th, respectively) and she had some breakthrough moments this weekend. Btw, the commercial will air sometime in March and I’ll get you the stations and the dates.
After the race was over the three of us were standing around drinking a chocolate milk when our tent decided it was time to fly. All three of us watched the tent rise up like a UFO then start a series of endos. It landed 30 meters away, stopped by a broken support. We were sad. We liked that tent!
I'm sure Dave will get us a new one. :)
Here's a photo of Rachel and her beau, Jordan who also won his race, the mens cat 1,2. I had a friend when I lived in NY who was so used to tourists taking photos that he tried to get in them, without the people noticing. I reckon there are hundreds of photos worldwide of peoples' trips to NYC with a big headed bald guy lurking in the background. Kate was taking the photo and I decided to get in and low and behold, it worked!
Great job, everyone.
Oh, Yay, Yahoo!!! GREAT JOB Rachel, Kate, and DQ!!! Way to put on a good show for the film crew. I hope I get to see the commercial sometime.
Feel better soon, Anna!
I rolled around in some good WV mud this weekend.
Congratulations team, and especially to Rachel for an awesome win even though she's been worried her tri training has taken the edge off her biking form. Very impressive. Sorry I couldn't get there to help out. I'm still waiting to hear from the car shop in Dubuque what's up with my car. -Dr.J
Go girls! Great work Rachel... alright, enough with that swim/run stuff. Just kidding- good luck with all that!
What a Great day.
I really enjoyed working with you guys!
Anna, get rid of that bug already!!!
Great job girls. Wish I could have seen it.
J S.
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