News from Chetlain Lane...

I thought I'd introduce you all to the second piece of cow paraphernalia I have received since I joined the team. Rob (my dude) picked up this funky looking cow at the ski resort that we work at. Get to know the cow now, because he has made it known that he will make guest appearances in the future.
*note, the photo IS blurry-- My camera is broken and I can't turn the flash on-- it works fine in the sun... :) & also note... the cow has some huge biker calves.
Other news: We have had pretty icky weather- other Wisconsinites can empathize... As of late, the issue in our area has been snow drifts. Check out the new doo on my car! I felt bad knocking this snow-art off of my car!!

Until the next post....
LOL!!! Kate...this totally cracked me up. Car snow art?? Now that's good.
I'm glad you got a photo of it before you cleaned it off.
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