Ancient Sony Discman (yes, my listening technology is also 10 years behind the times) or instrument of torture? After my sprint workout this weekend, I'm not so sure. While Betsy and Julie have managed to whack their shins while riding their trainers, I have discovered another hazard of training indoors in the cold, dry weather: static electricity. I was doing my first sprint workout of the year on rollers with a magnetic attachment, listening to the Spin Doctors on headphones so as not to disturb my landlord (although I'm sure he's getting mighty tired of the rumbling on his ceiling). The first three sprints went well, and I was happy with the numbers I was seeing. Then on #4, just as I hit a new PR for max speed on rollers, a bolt of electricity arced between my right earpiece and a plaque on the wall next to me (did I mention the rollers had scooted over during my last sprint and were now lightly rubbing against a furry bath mat I have underneath?). The jolt nearly caused me to crash, but I recovered and yanked off the headphones. I decided to switch to speakers after that, my landlord be damned, because I had four more sprints left to do, but now I was nervous every time I started to crank up my speed and couldn't get it up enough to make them worthwhile. Perhaps like a rat in a Skinner box, I became conditioned very quickly not to do the thing associated with the shock, or perhaps the jolt zapped all my energy, but the rest of the workout was a low-energy slog.
Is it time to buy an iPod? Or a less furry bath mat? Maybe the cycling gods are trying to tell me I'm not meant to be a sprinter...
Are you kidding? Not a sprinter????
You're so damn fast your making electricity!
I could use some of that!
Now all you have to do is somehow rig it so that you get a shock if your not printing 100%.
Or I guess that could be managed by getting nipped right before the line. Ha.
And don't feel bad about the head piece. I used the ancient tape player head set thing in the car on a 6 hour ride, while sitting in the back seat as my parents were driving me to my grandma's house. Now - that flet like i was back in time, like 15 years.
Sprints? It's February!
Oh, the pressure... I better start my sprint workouts!
Hey - I have a new nic name for Julie F.
That is if she was the one who wrote "Indoor workout hazards- part 11"
And this one may stick - - - "Lightening Foursh"
I mean:
Lightening Foertsch!!
Hey Cari--don't get worked up about doing sprints. My training has always been unorthodox, so I wouldn't follow my lead except when I'm towing you to the line. But I must also admit I have never had to do a pro race in early March and am not quite sure how to prepare for that when I can't ride outside like all those California girls and I get saddle sore riding doing rollers for more than 90 minutes.
I am also what you might call a remdial sprinter, so I can use all the practice I can get!
How about Thunder Thighs?
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