Friday's ride report...

I thought you'd all enjoy to hear this ride report... all of you in California, be thankful!
I started from home on Friday (the 12th) early. I checked the weather and it looked like it was getting colder as the day went on. It was at least 35 at 8am. I left the house at 9am and decided that I wanted to ride to Platteville (WI) and back to Galena (IL)(~50mi round trip & 3.5 hrs?). The plan, ride to the old bike shop that I used to work at and purchase some neoprene booties to keep my feet warm, put the booties on and ride home, with a sweet tail wind and warm feet.
Well I got about 1 hr into the ride when it started with the "wintery mix." I rode for about another half hour into the wintery mix with determination... I couldn't feel my feet, so I needed to get to the bike shop! Another half hour- I turned around! I couldn't take it. the temp dropped to about 27. The booties would have to wait! From the pic, it doesn't look too cold, but there was a NNW headwind at about 10-15 mph. Put it this way, It took 1 hr and 15 mins to get there, and only 50 mins to get back!!
When I got home, I peeled myself off of my bike and... seriously... sheets of ice fell off of my jacket. If you look at the photo- my gloves and glasses are both iced up pretty good.
It was an awesome feeling to thaw out in the shower!!!
PS... if you're wondering, I haven't picked up any booties yet!
holly molly Kate! You get MAJOR tough girl points for that ride. At least 300!!!
Nice going and way to get your hours in!
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