Spinning tonight!

hi all
Tonight I will ride on the rollers!! , Watching "sex in the city" 10:00 pm, and with any luck it will become a habit.
The house is clean as of now, (4:34) So there should be nothing to stop me from getting on that bike. I'll just keep thinking of you girls getting fit, and I'll start getting scared.
Actually, I know this is not much of a blog entry, but it's serving two purposes. 1) I'm more likly to follow through with this work out, and 2) I'm testing this blogging thing out. See if I can actually make an entry.
So there you have it.
Take care all
Momma Schmitt
Hi Jules!
Did you do it???
IT wasn't pretty, but i was out there for at least 45 min. Man - I was all over on those rollers. I had the van on my one side, and a big kid toy on the other for support. The show was a repeat, which sucked, but i was more into focusing on my riding then the show anyway.
Tonight I'll go for round two.
See ya
IT wasn't pretty, but i was out there for at least 45 min. Man - I was all over on those rollers. I had the van on my one side, and a big kid toy on the other for support. The show was a repeat, which sucked, but i was more into focusing on my riding then the show anyway.
Tonight I'll go for round two.
See ya
Ha-HAAA! Now I have the secret key into the training lives of my nemeses, las cowgirls! I will train four times, no, FIVE times as hard as you! Mmmmoooooo-Wah-ha-ha!
Yeah, just kidding. You guys have Natalie this year, and I'm shaking in my Unattached boots! Fun blog, keep writing. See you gals around town!
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